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Fred Lodge Obituary, a Teacher & Coach at Toynbee School and Toynbee Gym Club, Demise

Fred Lodge Obituary – The news of the passing of our cherished uncle, Fred Lodge, was recently brought to our attention, and we do so with a heavy heart and a profound sense of disappointment. Those who knew Uncle Fred considered him to be more than just a teacher; he was a revered figure who left an indelible mark on the community throughout his lifetime. His time spent working as a teacher at Toynbee School, in addition to his functions as the founder and coach of Toynbee Gym Club, demonstrated his commitment to the field of education and the development of the intellectual capacities of young people. Uncle Fred’s influence was felt far beyond the confines of the classroom and the gymnasium, as he was actively involved with Jaguar and the E-Type Register.

Because of his enthusiasm for these activities, he was able to demonstrate the breadth of his interests and the depth of his connections within a variety of circles. Those individuals who shared his enthusiasm for automobiles and the E-Type Register will undoubtedly remember him as a person who was dedicated and engaging in their presence. To pay tribute to Uncle Fred and commemorate his life, we would like to extend an invitation to you to join us for a gathering at Wessex Vale. This will be an occasion for friends, family, and former coworkers to get together, express their condolences, and talk about the remarkable person they knew and worked with in the past. The memorial service that will be held at Wessex Vale will be a solemn occasion for us to say our final goodbyes and pay tribute to a life that was lived to the fullest.

We would like to extend an invitation to people who attended the service to join us at the Good Companion pub, which is located on Leigh Road in Eastleigh. Our gathering will take place in a less formal setting, and we will be able to come together not only to express our sorrow but also to rejoice in the numerous happy moments and experiences that Uncle Fred brought into our lives. Those who knew and loved him will have the opportunity to share stories, reflect on the good times, and find comfort in the collective support of those who are attending this event. If you are interested in attending the gathering that will take place at the Good Companion, we would appreciate it if you could send us an email at With this information, we will be able to better organize the event and make certain that we can accommodate everyone who wishes to pay their respects. I am extremely grateful for the prompt response you provided.

Grandpa Fred Lodge was more than just a teacher, coach, and enthusiast; he was also a source of encouragement and motivation for those who were in his immediate vicinity. It is through the memories that we shared and the people whose lives he touched that his legacy will continue to reverberate. Remembering the warmth, wisdom, and kindness that characterized Uncle Fred’s presence in our lives as we come together to say our final goodbyes is an important part of the funeral process. When you are going through a difficult time, it is necessary to find solace in the support of your loved ones and friends. We are excited to welcome anyone who would like to join us in commemorating and paying tribute to the extraordinary life of Uncle Fred Lodge, and we look forward to sharing this moment with them. I am grateful to you for your comprehension, and I pray that the memories we cherish will provide us with the fortitude and comfort we need.


1 thought on “Fred Lodge Obituary, a Teacher & Coach at Toynbee School and Toynbee Gym Club, Demise”

  1. I was a member of Fred Lodge’s Gym Club at Toynbee in 1956. At 12 years of age and lacking the necessary self discipline my Form Teacher Frank Poller enrolled me with the club in an effort to straighten me out.

    Not sure it succeeded but I’ll never forget the kindness shown to me by Fred Lodge.

    Condolences to Fred’s family, the world’s a poorer place for his passing.

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